Spokane Public Language Immersion is an elementary school serving around 500 students in grades K-8 in the Spokane, Washington area. The school is rated 3 out of 5 stars by SchoolDigger, placing it in the middle range of elementary schools in the state.
Spokane Public Language Immersion stands out for its strong academic performance, particularly in English Language Arts (ELA) and science. The school outperforms the Spokane School District and the state of Washington, with 63.45% of students proficient or better in ELA compared to 48.46% for the district and 52.63% for the state. In math, 48.2% of Spokane Public Language Immersion students are proficient or better, compared to 38.41% for the district and 41.68% for the state. The school's performance is especially strong in 4th and 5th grade ELA, where over 70% of students are proficient or better.
Spokane Public Language Immersion also stands out for its support of diverse student groups. The school ranks highly for its Hispanic and low socioeconomic status (SES) student groups, ranking 159th and 104th out of over 1,000 Washington elementary schools, respectively. However, the school's performance for male students is stronger than for female students, ranking 337th and 451st out of over 1,000 schools. While the school's overall racial/ethnic makeup is not provided, the nearby schools in the area have varying levels of diversity, suggesting Spokane Public Language Immersion may have a diverse student population as well.
Spokane School District
In the 2023-24 school year, 269 students attended Spokane Public Language Immersion.
Spokane Public Language Immersion ranks 376th of 1168 Washington elementary schools. SchoolDigger rates this school 3 stars out of 5.
Students at Spokane Public Language Immersion are 67% White, 26% Hispanic, 4% Two or more races, 1% African American, 1% Asian.