Ansonia High School is a public high school located in Ansonia, Ohio, serving 207 students in grades 9-12. The school is part of the Ansonia Local District, which is ranked 116 out of 839 districts in Ohio and has a 4-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Ansonia High School stands out for its consistently high graduation rates, ranging from 96.6% to 100% over the past five school years, significantly higher than the state average. The school also demonstrates strong academic performance, with students consistently outperforming the state and local district averages on Ohio State Tests across various subjects, including American Government, American History, Biology, English II, Geometry, and Algebra I. For example, in the 2023-2024 school year, the school's proficiency rates were 81.8% in American Government, 81% in American History, and 86.9% in English II, compared to the state averages of 69.1%, 68.5%, and 61.4%, respectively.
Ansonia High School's performance is generally stronger than the nearby schools analyzed, particularly in terms of academic achievement and graduation rates. For instance, the school's 2023-2024 proficiency rates in American Government (81.8%) and English II (86.9%) are significantly higher than the rates at Arcanum High School (80.7% and 73%, respectively) and Greenville Senior High School (71.1% and 63.1%, respectively). This consistent high performance across multiple metrics, including academics, graduation rates, and student group performance, is a testament to Ansonia High School's effectiveness.
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Public 9-12
Ansonia Local
SchoolDigger Rank:
179th of 864 Ohio High Schools
Per Pupil Expenditures: $16,928
Feeder schools for Ansonia High School:
Student/teacher ratio: 8.9
Number of students: 212
Racial breakdown:
Two or more races:
Free/discounted lunch recipients: 0%
See top rated Ohio high schools
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