Dobson Academy The - A Ball Charter School is a public charter elementary school serving 427 students in grades K-8 in Chandler, Arizona. The school is part of the Ball Charter Schools (Dobson) district, which is ranked 124 out of 288 districts in the state and has a 3-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Dobson Academy The - A Ball Charter School generally outperforms the state average in English Language Arts and Mathematics across various grade levels. For example, the school's 4th grade ELA proficiency rate was 57%, compared to the state average of 46%, and its 6th grade ELA proficiency rate was 59%, compared to the state average of 43%. In Mathematics, the school's 4th grade proficiency rate of 49% was significantly higher than the state average of 36%. However, the school's performance for certain student subgroups, such as African American and Special Education students, has been relatively weaker, with rankings in the bottom 30-40% of Arizona elementary schools.
Compared to nearby schools, Dobson Academy The - A Ball Charter School outperforms Sirrine Montessori Center in 3rd and 4th grade ELA and Mathematics, but its performance for low socioeconomic status students is in the middle range compared to other Arizona elementary schools, ranking 490 out of 1116 in the 2022-2023 school year. The school's diverse student population, with a mix of racial and ethnic backgrounds, is a strength, but the school's performance for certain subgroups suggests the need for continued focus and support to ensure equitable outcomes for all students.
In the 2023-24 school year, 395 students attended Dobson Academy The - A Ball Charter School.
Students at Dobson Academy The - A Ball Charter School are 36% Hispanic, 32% White, 13% African American, 11% Two or more races, 4% Asian, 3% American Indian, 1% Pacific Islander.
Dobson Academy The - A Ball Charter School ranks 422nd of 912 Arizona elementary schools. SchoolDigger rates this school 3 stars out of 5.
Ball Charter Schools (Dobson)