Anderson Elementary is a public elementary school located in Reno, Nevada, serving around 350 students in grades K-6. The school is part of the Washoe County School District, which is ranked 4 out of 12 in the state and has a 4-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Despite being part of a relatively high-performing district, Anderson Elementary consistently performs below the district and state averages in both mathematics and reading proficiency. In 2022-2023, only 18.5% of students were proficient or better in mathematics, compared to 33.6% for the district and 31.3% for the state. The school's reading proficiency rates are also low, with only 17.9% of students proficient or better, compared to 41.2% for the district and 41% for the state. The school's performance has been consistently low over the past several years, with its statewide ranking among Nevada elementary schools declining from 178 out of 332 in 2013-2014 to 350 out of 384 in 2022-2023. The school's performance is particularly low for its Hispanic and English Language Learner (ELL) student subgroups.
Nearby schools, such as Huffaker Elementary, Roger Corbett Elementary, and Mariposa Language and Learning Academy, generally outperform Anderson Elementary in academic proficiency, with higher percentages of students meeting or exceeding standards in both mathematics and reading. Despite the school's consistently low performance, there are some signs of improvement efforts, such as increased per-student spending and a relatively low student-teacher ratio. However, the school's high percentage of students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, as evidenced by the 100% free or reduced-price lunch rate, likely presents significant challenges in terms of providing the necessary resources and support for student learning.
In the 2023-24 school year, 309 students attended Anderson Elementary.
Students at Anderson Elementary are 56% Hispanic, 15% White, 9% Pacific Islander, 7% Two or more races, 5% African American, 5% Asian, 2% American Indian.
Students who attend Anderson Elementary usually go on to attend:Middle : Darrel Swope Middle SchoolHigh : Reno High School
Washoe County