Belmont Elementary School is a public elementary school located in Belmont, Michigan, serving 354 students in grades K-5 and part of the highly-ranked Rockford Public Schools district.
Belmont Elementary consistently ranks among the top 100 elementary schools in Michigan, with students performing significantly better than the state average on M-Step assessments across all grade levels and subjects. For example, in 2023-2024, 61% of 3rd graders, 71.4% of 4th graders, and 80% of 5th graders were proficient or better in English Language Arts, compared to the state averages of 39.6%, 43.3%, and 44%, respectively. The school's math proficiency rates are also impressive, with 69.5% of 3rd graders, 69.6% of 4th graders, and 66% of 5th graders scoring proficient or better, compared to the state averages of 43.4%, 39.1%, and 32.6%. Belmont Elementary has a predominantly white student population (87.29%) and a relatively low percentage of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds (15.54%).
Comparing Belmont Elementary to nearby schools, its academic performance is consistently higher than Crestwood Elementary and Roguewood Elementary, both part of the Rockford Public Schools district. However, Chandler Woods Charter Academy, located just 1.4 miles away, also demonstrates strong academic performance, with higher proficiency rates in many subjects compared to Belmont. Schools in the Northview Public Schools district, such as East Oakview, West Oakview, and North Oakview, have lower academic proficiency rates compared to Belmont Elementary.
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Public K-5
Rockford Public Schools
SchoolDigger Rank:
87th of 1,486 Michigan Elementary Schools
Per Pupil Expenditures: $13,853
Students who attend Belmont Elementary School usually attend:
Student/teacher ratio: 14.7
Number of students: 325
Racial breakdown:
Two or more races:
African American:
Pacific Islander:
Free/discounted lunch recipients: 14.5%
See top rated Michigan elementary schools
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