Weston High is a public high school serving grades 9-12 in Weston, MA, with a student population of 639. The school is part of the Weston District, which is ranked 5 out of 351 districts in Massachusetts and is rated 5 stars out of 5 by SchoolDigger. Weston High has consistently been ranked among the top high schools in the state, with a statewide ranking between 11 and 22 over the past several years.
Weston High stands out for its exceptional academic performance, with students consistently outperforming the state average on MCAS Next Generation assessments in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Physics. For example, in 2023-2024, 86.96% of Weston High 10th graders scored proficient or better in ELA, compared to the state average of 56.86%. The school also boasts an exceptionally high four-year graduation rate, ranging from 95.5% to 100% over the past five years, significantly higher than nearby schools like Watertown High at 86.4% and Waltham Senior High at 80.6%.
Weston High's student population is more diverse compared to some nearby schools, with 61.19% White, 18.78% Asian, 7.36% two or more races, 6.57% African American, and 5.79% Hispanic students in 2022-2023. The school also excels in supporting the academic achievement of various student subgroups, ranking highly in the state for female students, male students, Asian students, Hispanic students, White students, multi-racial students, special education students, and low socioeconomic status students.
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Public 9-12
SchoolDigger Rank:
14th of 348 Massachusetts High Schools
Per Pupil Expenditures: $29,813
Feeder schools for Weston High:
Student/teacher ratio: 10.8
Number of students: 662
Racial breakdown:
Two or more races:
African American:
Not Specified:
Free/discounted lunch recipients: 6.1%
See top rated Massachusetts high schools
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