Wood Dale Junior High School is a public middle school serving grades 6-8 in Wood Dale, Illinois, with 294 students. The school is part of the Wood Dale School District 7, which is ranked 534 out of 813 districts in Illinois and has a 2-star rating from SchoolDigger.
While Wood Dale Junior High School's proficiency rates in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics are generally lower than the state averages, they are higher than the district averages. For example, in 2023-2024, the school's ELA proficiency rate for all grades was 45.6%, compared to the state average of 41.2% and the district average of 35.3%. In Mathematics, the school's proficiency rate for all grades was 20.1%, compared to the state average of 28.4% and the district average of 20.2%. The school's performance is relatively stronger in 6th grade ELA, where it scored 59.8% proficient, compared to the state's 46.7%. However, the school has experienced high chronic absenteeism rates, ranging from 21.2% to 29.4% in recent years, which are significantly higher than the state average.
Nearby schools, such as Westfield Middle School, Roselle Middle School, and Churchville Middle School, generally outperform Wood Dale Junior High School in test scores and other metrics. For instance, Westfield Middle School had an ELA proficiency rate of 89.2% and a Mathematics proficiency rate of 56.7% for all grades in 2023-2024, significantly higher than Wood Dale Junior High School. These nearby schools also have lower chronic absenteeism rates, ranging from 12.4% to 22.9%, compared to Wood Dale Junior High School's 25.5% in 2023-2024. However, Wood Dale Junior High School's performance for certain student subgroups, such as English Language Learners and students with disabilities, is relatively stronger compared to the overall school performance and the state averages.
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Public 6-8
Wood Dale School District 7
SchoolDigger Rank:
609th of 1,363 Illinois Middle Schools
Per Pupil Expenditures: $21,975
Students who attend Wood Dale Junior High School usually attend:
Feeder schools for Wood Dale Junior High School:
Student/teacher ratio: 10.0
Number of students: 283
Racial breakdown:
Two or more races:
African American:
American Indian:
Free/discounted lunch recipients: 52.3%
See top rated Illinois middle schools
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