Coyle Middle Technology Center For Math And Scienc is a public middle school in Rowlett, Texas, serving grades 6-7 with a student population of 295. The school is part of the Garland Independent School District, which is ranked 535 out of 968 districts in Texas and has a 2-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Academically, Coyle Middle Technology Center For Math And Scienc struggles compared to the district and state averages. In the 2023-2024 school year, the school had significantly lower proficiency rates in STAAR Reading and Mathematics for both 6th and 7th grades compared to the Garland ISD and Texas averages. Additionally, the school has a high percentage of students (71.53%) receiving free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a high level of economic disadvantage among the student population. However, the school has a relatively low student-teacher ratio of 13.3, which could indicate more individualized attention for students.
When compared to other middle schools in the Garland ISD, Coyle Middle Technology Center For Math And Scienc performs significantly worse academically. For example, in 6th grade STAAR Reading, Coyle's proficiency rate of 42.3% is much lower than the 63.46% at the higher-performing Classical Center at Brandenburg Middle. Additionally, the nearby Austin Academy For Excell and Classical Center at Brandenburg Middle, both public magnet schools, outperform Coyle Middle Technology Center For Math And Scienc across multiple academic measures, suggesting that the magnet school model may be more effective in improving student outcomes.
Garland Independent School District (Isd)
Students at Coyle Middle Technology Center For Math And Scienc are 45% Hispanic, 28% African American, 18% White, 5% Asian, 4% Two or more races.
Coyle Middle Technology Center For Math And Scienc ranks in the bottom 14.4% of Texas middle schools.
In the 2023-24 school year, 613 students attended Coyle Middle Technology Center For Math And Scienc.