Highland Elementary is a public elementary school in Greeneville, Tennessee, serving 159 students in grades PK-5. The school is part of the Greeneville school district, which is ranked 40 out of 139 districts in Tennessee and has a 4-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Highland Elementary has a more diverse student population compared to nearby schools, with higher percentages of Hispanic (28.3%) and African American (8.81%) students. However, the school's academic performance, as measured by TNReady test scores, is generally lower than the Greeneville district and Tennessee state averages across all subjects and grade levels. For example, in the 2023-2024 school year, only 25.8% of Highland Elementary students were proficient or better in Mathematics, compared to 45.8% for the Greeneville district and 39.7% for the state. The school's performance is particularly low in 3rd and 4th-grade Mathematics, with only 11.8% and 15.8% of students proficient or better, respectively. As a result, Highland Elementary has consistently ranked in the bottom half of Tennessee elementary schools, with a 2-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Interestingly, Highland Elementary's student population has been declining in recent years, from 159 students in the 2022-2023 school year to 159 students in the 2023-2024 school year. The school's racial demographics have also shifted, with a decrease in the percentage of white students and an increase in the percentage of Hispanic students. Compared to nearby schools like Tusculum View Elementary, C Hal Henard Elementary, and Eastview Elementary, which generally perform better academically, Highland Elementary spends more per student but does not seem to achieve commensurate results, suggesting that factors beyond funding, such as student demographics and school leadership, may be contributing to the school's challenges.
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Public PK, KG-5
SchoolDigger Rank:
627th of 1,018 Tennessee Elementary Schools
Per Pupil Expenditures: $17,954
Students who attend Highland Elementary usually attend:
Student/teacher ratio: 10.5
Number of students: 160
Racial breakdown:
Two or more races:
Free/discounted lunch recipients: 84.8%
See top rated Tennessee elementary schools
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