Kensington School District


The Kensington School District is home to a single school, Kensington Elementary School, which serves students from pre-kindergarten through 6th grade. This school has consistently ranked among the top elementary schools in New Hampshire, earning a 4-star rating from SchoolDigger and placing 45th out of 234 schools in the 2023-2024 school year and 40th out of 237 schools in the 2022-2023 school year.

Kensington Elementary School's student population is predominantly white, with 94.85% of students identifying as such. The school's test scores are notably higher than the state averages, with 54% of students proficient or better in mathematics, 68% in reading, and an exceptional 73% in science, compared to state averages of 41%, 53%, and 36%, respectively. Additionally, the school has a favorable student-teacher ratio of 9.6 to 1 and a relatively low percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch at 8.09%.

While Kensington Elementary School's academic performance is impressive, the school's demographic homogeneity may be an area for further exploration and consideration. The low representation of other racial and ethnic groups within the student population suggests a need to promote greater diversity and inclusion within the school community. Additionally, the school's strong performance may be influenced by the relatively affluent community it serves, as indicated by the low percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch.

District Detail

 30 Linden St.
Exeter, NH 03833-2522

 (603) 775-8653

SchoolDigger Rank:
39th of 163 New Hampshire districts

See the 2024 New Hampshire District rankings!
Grades served: PK, KG-5
Students: 143

Primary Schools: 1
Middle Schools: 0
High Schools: 0
Alternative Schools: 0

Districts nearby

SchoolDigger data sources: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Census Bureau and the New Hampshire Department of Education.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: Not all boundaries are included. We make every effort to ensure that boundaries are up-to-date. But it's important to note that these are approximations and are for general informational purposes only. To verify legal descriptions of boundaries or school locations, contact your local tax assessor's office and/or school district.

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