The Grandview C-4 school district in Missouri serves 7 schools, including 5 elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school. The data reveals a mix of performance levels, with some standout schools like Meadowmere Elementary consistently outperforming the district and state averages, while others like Conn-West Elementary and Butcher-Greene Elementary struggle to meet state standards.
Meadowmere Elementary stands out as the highest-performing school in the district, earning a 3-star rating from SchoolDigger and exceeding state averages in both math and English language arts. In contrast, Grandview Middle and Grandview Senior High have lower 2-star and 1-star ratings, respectively, but still perform better than the lower-performing elementary schools.
Across the district, there are significant concerns around chronic absenteeism, which ranges from 38.2% to 38.2% in all schools. Additionally, the district as a whole struggles with low graduation rates, high dropout rates, and test scores that fall well below state averages. These challenges suggest that the district may face equity issues and inequities in resources, teaching quality, or other factors that contribute to the wide performance gaps between schools.
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