The zip code 46205 in Indiana has only one middle school, Avondale Meadows Middle School, a public charter school serving grades 5-8 with a total enrollment of 192 students. The school has a high percentage of minority students, with 93.23% of the student body being African American, and its academic performance is a significant concern.
Avondale Meadows Middle School's standardized test scores are alarmingly low, with only 19.07% of students proficient or better in English Language Arts and just 6.15% proficient or better in Math, far below the state averages. The school's chronic absenteeism rate is also high at 21.4%, which can negatively impact student learning and achievement. Despite having a relatively low student-teacher ratio of 13.7 and per-student spending in line with the state average, the school's overall performance suggests that factors beyond these metrics are contributing to the poor academic outcomes.
The data highlights the need for a deeper analysis and targeted interventions to support the students and improve the academic performance of Avondale Meadows Middle School. Addressing the systemic challenges and inequities that may be impacting the predominantly minority student population could have a significant impact on the educational opportunities and success of the students in this Avondale Meadows Middle School community.
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