The 46041 zip code in Indiana has only one middle school, Frankfort Middle School, which serves students in grades 6-8. This school faces several challenges, including below-average academic performance, a high percentage of economically disadvantaged and minority students, and high chronic absenteeism rates.
Frankfort Middle School's academic proficiency rates in English Language Arts, Math, and Science are all below the district and state averages. For example, only 27.71% of students are proficient in ELA, compared to the 29.47% district average, and just 28.82% are proficient in Math, compared to the 33.64% district average. The school's student population is predominantly Hispanic (55.95%) and low-income, with 83.29% of students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch.
Other notable factors include a chronic absenteeism rate of 22.5% and a spending per student of $9,330, which is not exceptionally low but may not be sufficient to provide the necessary resources and support for the school's student population. Community Schools of Frankfort, the district that Frankfort Middle School is a part of, has also struggled to meet academic standards, with the middle school ranking in the bottom half of Indiana middle schools in recent years.
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