There is only one elementary school located in Chickasaw City, Alabama - Chickasaw City Elementary School. This school serves students from pre-kindergarten through 6th grade and faces significant academic challenges, with consistently low test scores across all grade levels and subject areas.
Chickasaw City Elementary School is a struggling school, ranking 497 out of 684 Alabama elementary schools in 2023-2024 and receiving a low 1 out of 5 star rating from SchoolDigger. The school serves a predominantly low-income student population, with 79.64% of students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch. This high poverty rate likely contributes to the school's academic difficulties, as evidenced by its math proficiency rates ranging from just 10.53% in 6th grade to 22.54% in 4th grade, well below the state averages.
Additionally, Chickasaw City Elementary School has a student population that is 70.18% African American, suggesting the need to examine potential racial inequities in educational outcomes. The school's funding levels, at $8,935 per student, are also relatively low compared to the national average, which may be a factor in its academic struggles. Overall, Chickasaw City Elementary School faces significant challenges in providing a high-quality education to its students, and addressing these issues will be crucial for improving student outcomes in the area.
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