The middle schools located in the 45231 zip code area serve students in grades 6-8 and are part of the Northwest Local and Mt Healthy City school districts. The data analysis reveals notable differences between Pleasant Run Middle School and Mt Healthy Junior High School in terms of student demographics, academic performance, and other key metrics.
Pleasant Run Middle School has a more diverse student population, with 41.07% African American, 7.69% Hispanic, and 3.19% Asian students, while Mt Healthy Junior High School has a student body that is 69.8% African American. Pleasant Run Middle School also has a lower chronic absenteeism rate of 37.4% compared to Mt Healthy Junior High School's 50.0%. Additionally, Pleasant Run Middle School students perform better on state assessments, with higher proficiency rates in subjects like Science, Math, and English Language Arts compared to Mt Healthy Junior High School.
Despite the higher spending per student at Mt Healthy Junior High School, the school's academic outcomes are lagging behind Pleasant Run Middle School. This suggests that factors beyond just funding, such as school leadership, teacher quality, and student engagement, may be playing a role in the schools' performance. The significant differences in student racial/ethnic composition between the two schools may also contribute to the performance gap, and further investigation would be needed to understand the potential impact of school demographics on academic outcomes.
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