The Teays Valley Local school district in Ohio is home to a single high school, Teays Valley High School, which serves 1,196 students in grades 9-12. The school's student population is predominantly White (91.89%), with smaller percentages of other racial/ethnic groups.
Academically, Teays Valley High School performs well, with proficiency rates that generally exceed the state and district averages across various subjects, including American Government, American History, Biology, English II, and Algebra I. The school's American History proficiency rate is particularly strong, exceeding the state average by over 13 percentage points. Additionally, the school boasts a high four-year graduation rate of 94.7%, which is higher than the state average.
However, the school's chronic absenteeism rate of 31.4% is higher than the state's average, which could be an area of concern and warrant further investigation. Overall, Teays Valley High School appears to be a strong-performing high school, providing a quality education to its students, but the higher-than-average chronic absenteeism rate is an aspect that may require additional attention and intervention.
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