Holdrege Public Schools in Nebraska has one elementary school, Holdrege Elementary School, which serves grades PK-4 with a total enrollment of 358 students. The school's performance has fluctuated in recent years, ranking between 268 and 343 out of over 450 Nebraska elementary schools. While the school's math proficiency rates are generally on par with or slightly above the state averages, its English Language Arts proficiency lags behind.
Holdrege Elementary School faces some challenges, with a chronic absenteeism rate of 21.1% and nearly half of its students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a significant population of economically disadvantaged students. However, the school's relatively high per-student spending and low student-teacher ratio of 12.3 suggest a focus on providing additional resources and support for these students.
Overall, Holdrege Public Schools and its sole elementary school are performing below average compared to other schools in Nebraska, with room for improvement in English Language Arts and overall academic performance. The school's socioeconomic factors and resource allocation may be important considerations in understanding and addressing these performance gaps.
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