The elementary schools located in the 46394 zip code area consist of two schools - Nathan Hale Elementary School and Benjamin Franklin Elementary School. These schools serve students in the School City of Whiting and School City of Hammond districts.
Based on the data, Nathan Hale Elementary appears to be the stronger performing school, with a higher statewide ranking, better test scores, and a lower chronic absenteeism rate compared to Benjamin Franklin Elementary. However, Benjamin Franklin has a higher percentage of students eligible for free/reduced lunch, indicating a higher level of economic disadvantage.
The significant performance gap between the two schools is noteworthy, with Nathan Hale demonstrating relatively strong academic results and Benjamin Franklin struggling compared to state and district averages. Further analysis would be needed to understand the factors contributing to these disparities, such as the relationship between student demographics and academic outcomes, as well as the role of school leadership, teacher quality, and instructional practices.
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