The 46321 zip code in Indiana is home to a single high-performing high school, Munster High School. This standout institution has consistently ranked among the top high schools in the state, earning a 5-star rating from SchoolDigger and placing 7th out of 431 Indiana high schools for the 2023-2024 school year.
Munster High School's academic excellence is evident across various metrics. The school boasts an impressive 96.1% four-year graduation rate, significantly higher than the state average. Its students also demonstrate strong performance on standardized tests, with 79.72% proficient or better in SAT/Evidence-based Reading and Writing and 54.72% proficient or better in SAT/Mathematics. Additionally, the school's ILEARN/Biology End of Course exam results show that 36.73% of students scored proficient or better, outpacing the state average of 29%.
Beyond its academic achievements, Munster High School maintains a diverse student population, with a racial composition of 48.15% White, 10.74% African American, 29.67% Hispanic, 7.23% Asian, and 4.16% two or more races. The school's chronic absenteeism rate of 10.5% is lower than the state average, and the School Town of Munster district spends $9,860 per student, providing the school with adequate resources and a reasonable student-teacher ratio of 18.4.
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