There is only one middle school located in the 46172 zip code - North Putnam Middle School. This school serves students in grades 6-8 and is part of the North Putnam Community Schools district. North Putnam Middle School has a predominantly white student population, with 94.82% of students identifying as white. The school's academic performance in English Language Arts is on par with or slightly above the district and state averages, but it falls below in Math and Science.
North Putnam Middle School's ILEARN proficiency rates show that 46.85% of students are proficient in English Language Arts, compared to 45.34% in the district. In Math, the school's proficiency rate is 32.17%, which is lower than the district average of 40.86%. The school also struggles with Science proficiency, with only 27.88% of students meeting the standard, compared to 32.04% in the district. Additionally, the school has a relatively high chronic absenteeism rate of 17.5%, which can negatively impact student learning and achievement.
Despite these challenges, North Putnam Middle School has a student-teacher ratio of 12.1, which is lower than the state average. The school also spends $10,456 per student, which is in line with the state average. However, with over 50% of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, the school serves a significant population of economically disadvantaged students, which may require additional resources and support to ensure their academic success.
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