The 46149 zip code is home to a single high school, Tri-West Senior High School, which has consistently ranked among the top high schools in Indiana. This standout school boasts a 5-star rating from School Digger and a strong 89.7% four-year graduation rate, outperforming the state average.
Academically, Tri-West Senior High School students excel in SAT/Evidence-based Reading and Writing, with 75.46% proficient or better, but their performance in SAT/Mathematics and ILEARN/Biology is more mixed, with the biology scores falling below the district and state averages. The school's student population is predominantly white, with relatively low percentages of other racial and ethnic groups, which may suggest a need to promote greater diversity and inclusion. Despite this, the school maintains a manageable chronic absenteeism rate of 9.3%, lower than the state average, and serves a relatively affluent student population, with only 23.9% of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch.
Overall, North West Hendricks Schools is home to a high-performing high school that consistently ranks among the best in the state. While the school excels in certain academic areas, it may benefit from exploring ways to address any performance gaps and promote greater diversity within the student body.
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