The 46135 zip code area is home to two middle schools - Greencastle Middle School and South Putnam Middle School. Based on the available data, South Putnam Middle School appears to be the stronger-performing of the two, ranking higher at the state level and outperforming Greencastle Middle School on key academic metrics like proficiency rates in English Language Arts and Math.
South Putnam Middle School has a 50.19% proficiency rate in ELA and 39.41% in Math, compared to 38.24% and 32.3% respectively at Greencastle Middle School. South Putnam also has a lower chronic absenteeism rate of 9.7% versus 14.4% at Greencastle. Additionally, South Putnam Middle School is part of the higher-ranked South Putnam Community Schools district, while Greencastle Middle School is in the Greencastle Community School Corp district.
Despite having a lower per-student spending ($8,561 vs $9,437) and a higher student-teacher ratio (15 vs 13.4), South Putnam Middle School still manages to outperform Greencastle Middle School academically. This suggests that factors beyond just funding and resources, such as attendance rates and district-level differences, may be contributing to the performance gap between the two schools.
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