The middle schools located in the 46107 zip code serve students in grades 6-8 and are part of the Beech Grove City Schools district. Based on the available data, Beech Grove Middle School appears to be the higher-performing school, with stronger proficiency rates in English Language Arts and Math compared to South Grove Intermediate School. However, both schools face challenges, with student proficiency rates below the state average and high rates of chronic absenteeism.
Beech Grove Middle School has a student population that is 63.87% White, 14.92% African American, and 9.87% Hispanic, while South Grove Intermediate School has a student population that is 66.39% White, 13.28% African American, and 10.82% Hispanic. Both schools have a high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, with South Grove Intermediate at 76.39% and Beech Grove Middle at 77.94%, indicating a need for additional resources and support to address the unique challenges faced by economically disadvantaged students.
The difference in per-student spending between the two schools ($9,739 for South Grove Intermediate and $12,721 for Beech Grove Middle) may contribute to the performance gap, but further analysis would be needed to determine the relationship between funding and student outcomes. Overall, the data suggests that while Beech Grove Middle School is the higher-performing school, both middle schools in the 46107 zip code face significant challenges in improving student learning and academic achievement.
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