There is only one high school located in the 46065 zip code - Rossville Middle/Senior High School. This standout school has consistently ranked in the top 5% of Indiana high schools, boasting excellent graduation rates and strong academic performance that outpaces state and district averages across multiple subjects and standardized tests.
Rossville Middle/Senior High School's academic excellence is evident in its top 20 statewide ranking, 96.4% four-year graduation rate, and proficiency rates that are 8-37 percentage points higher than the state average in English, math, and science. The school's SAT scores also exceed the state average by 5-25 percentage points, indicating a rigorous curriculum and effective teaching practices. With a student-teacher ratio of 12.6 to 1 and per-student spending of $9,752, the school appears to have the resources and support to foster a rich learning environment for its diverse student population, which is 92.42% white, 3.48% Hispanic, and 0.82% Asian.
Overall, Rossville Con School District's lone high school stands out as an exceptional educational institution, consistently delivering high-quality instruction and academic outcomes for its students. The school's strong performance, combined with its demographic diversity and resource allocation, make it a shining example of a successful public high school in Indiana.
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