Virtual Preparatory Academy of Indiana at Madison-Grant K-5 is a public virtual elementary school serving 175 students in grades K-5 in Fairmount, Indiana. The school is part of the Madison-Grant United School Corporation, which is ranked 274 out of 381 school districts in the state and has a 1-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Compared to the surrounding traditional public schools, Virtual Preparatory Academy has a more diverse student population, with 32.57% African American, 12% Hispanic, and 8% two or more races. However, the school struggles academically, with only 6.76% of students proficient or better in English Language Arts and 5.41% proficient or better in math, far below the district and state averages. The school also has a very high chronic absenteeism rate of 31.5%, much higher than the 3.7% to 25% range of the nearby Elwood Intermediate School, Eastbrook South Elementary, and other surrounding schools.
The lower spending per student at Virtual Preparatory Academy, $9,376 compared to $9,205 to $10,378 at nearby schools, may be a factor in the school's poor academic performance. These findings raise questions about the effectiveness of virtual schooling, especially for younger students, and the need for targeted interventions to support the school's struggling students and address the significant gaps in academic achievement compared to the district and state.
Students at Virtual Preparatory Academy of Indiana at Madison-Grant K-5 are 48% White, 27% African American, 12% Two or more races, 11% Hispanic, 2% American Indian.
Madison-Grant United School Corp
Virtual Preparatory Academy of Indiana at Madison-Grant K-5 ranks in the bottom 1.3% of Indiana elementary schools.
In the 2023-24 school year, 254 students attended Virtual Preparatory Academy of Indiana at Madison-Grant K-5.