Yorktown Community Schools in Indiana is home to a single high school, Yorktown High School, which has consistently ranked among the top high schools in the state. This standout institution serves a predominantly white student population, with a diverse representation of other racial groups, and boasts impressive academic performance, graduation rates, and financial metrics.
Yorktown Community Schools is home to a single high school, Yorktown High School, which has consistently ranked among the top 33 out of 431 high schools in Indiana, with a 4-5 star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's 96.3% four-year graduation rate is significantly higher than the state average, and its academic performance on standardized tests, such as the SAT and ILEARN, is generally above the state and district averages, particularly in Evidence-based Reading and Writing.
While Yorktown High School serves a predominantly white student population (80.96%), it also has a diverse representation of African American (5.67%), Hispanic (3.78%), and Asian (3.15%) students. The school's socioeconomic factors, with 32.91% of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, suggest that it serves a population with diverse backgrounds and may need to allocate resources accordingly to ensure equitable access to educational opportunities.
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