Palm Crest Elementary is a public elementary school located in La Canada, California, serving 599 students in grades K-6. It is part of the highly-ranked La Canada Unified School District, which is ranked 10th out of 1,568 districts in the state and has a 5-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Palm Crest Elementary has consistently been one of the top-performing elementary schools in California, ranking within the top 1% of all elementary schools in the state for the past several years. In the 2023-2024 school year, it ranked 21st out of 5,862 California elementary schools and received a 5-star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's students consistently outperform the state and district averages in Smarter Balanced Assessments for English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. For example, in the 2023-2024 school year, 91.01% of Palm Crest students were proficient or better in English Language Arts, compared to 86.75% for the La Canada Unified district and 47.04% for the state of California.
Palm Crest Elementary's exceptional performance extends to various student subgroups, including female students, male students, Asian students, Hispanic students, White students, multi-racial students, and students with disabilities. The school also maintains a low chronic absenteeism rate, ranging from 1.3% to 7.3% over the past several years, which is significantly lower than the state average. Compared to nearby schools within the La Canada Unified district and the Glendale Unified district, Palm Crest consistently outperforms its peers in academic achievement, making it a standout school in the region.
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Public K-6
La Canada Unified
SchoolDigger Rank:
21st of 5,862 California Elementary Schools
Per Pupil Expenditures: $11,724
Students who attend Palm Crest Elementary usually attend:
Student/teacher ratio: 22.4
Number of students: 604
Racial breakdown:
Two or more races:
African American:
Free/discounted lunch recipients: 4.6%
See top rated California elementary schools
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