Melville S. Jacobson Elementary is a public elementary school in Tracy, California, serving 583 students in grades K-5. The school is part of the Tracy Joint Unified School District, which is ranked 989 out of 1,568 districts in the state and has a 2-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Melville S. Jacobson Elementary consistently ranks in the bottom 20-25% of California elementary schools, with a 1-star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's proficiency rates in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics are significantly lower than the district and state averages across all grade levels. For example, in 2023-2024, only 22.11% of students were proficient or better in ELA End of Course, compared to 39.12% for the district and 47.04% for the state. The school's performance is particularly low for certain student subgroups, such as Asian, Hispanic, and White students, who rank in the bottom 20-25% of their respective statewide subgroups. Additionally, Melville S. Jacobson Elementary has experienced a significant increase in chronic absenteeism, rising from 7.1% in 2020-2021 to 34.6% in 2022-2023, which is much higher than the district and state averages.
Compared to nearby schools in the Tracy Joint Unified School District, Melville S. Jacobson Elementary performs significantly worse, with the exception of North Elementary, which also struggles academically and has a high chronic absenteeism rate. The only exception is Primary Charter, a public charter school located near Melville S. Jacobson Elementary, which outperforms the district and state averages in both ELA and Mathematics. Addressing the challenges at Melville S. Jacobson Elementary, including declining performance, equity concerns, and high chronic absenteeism, will be crucial for improving educational outcomes and providing a high-quality learning environment for all students.
Students at Melville S. Jacobson Elementary are 50% Hispanic, 20% Asian, 14% White, 6% African American, 6% Two or more races, 3% Pacific Islander, 1% American Indian.
Students who attend Melville S. Jacobson Elementary usually go on to attend:Middle : Monte Vista MiddleHigh : Merrill F. West High
In the 2023-24 school year, 606 students attended Melville S. Jacobson Elementary.
Tracy Joint Unified
Melville S. Jacobson Elementary ranks in the bottom 21.8% of California elementary schools.