Learning by Design Charter District consists of a single elementary school, Learning by Design Charter, serving grades K-5 in Los Angeles, California. The school faces significant challenges, with academic performance generally below state averages, particularly in English Language Arts, and a high chronic absenteeism rate of 44.4%. Socioeconomic factors also play a role, as 68.81% of students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.
Academically, Learning by Design Charter has struggled, with proficiency rates in English Language Arts ranging from 0% in 4th grade to 46.67% in 5th grade, compared to statewide averages of 43.73% and 46.69%, respectively. In mathematics, the school's performance is mixed, with 3rd-grade students performing slightly above the state average but 4th and 5th graders falling well below. The school's science proficiency rate in 5th grade is also low at 20%, compared to the state average of 31.86%.
The school's performance has declined over the past year, with its statewide ranking dropping from 5800 out of 5883 elementary schools in 2021-2022 to 4011 out of 5848 in 2022-2023, and its overall rating decreasing from 0 to 2 out of 5 stars. Addressing the root causes of the school's academic challenges, high chronic absenteeism, and socioeconomic factors should be a priority for the Learning by Design Charter District to ensure that students receive the support and resources they need to succeed.
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