Academy for Academics and Arts Middle School is a public middle school in Huntsville, Alabama, serving 239 students in grades 6-8. The school is part of the Huntsville City School District, which is ranked 83 out of 137 districts in the state.
Despite serving a more diverse student population compared to nearby schools, with a higher percentage of African American (56.49%) and Hispanic (8.79%) students, Academy for Academics and Arts Middle School has consistently outperformed the Huntsville City and Alabama state averages in English Language Arts (ELA) proficiency across all grade levels. For example, in 2023-2024, the school's 8th-grade ELA proficiency rate was 65.33%, compared to 52.27% for Huntsville City and 51.42% for the state. The school has also shown strong performance among its African American and White student subgroups, ranking in the top 50-55 out of 269-373 Alabama middle schools in these categories over the past few years.
When compared to nearby middle schools like Liberty Middle School, Whitesburg Middle School, and Discovery Middle School, Academy for Academics and Arts Middle School stands out as a higher-performing school, particularly in terms of academic achievement and student-teacher ratio, which has ranged from 13.6 to 16.7 over the past three years. The school's relatively low percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, ranging from 18.75% to 18.83% over the past three years, may also be a contributing factor to its success.
Students at Academy for Academics and Arts Middle School are 56% African American, 27% White, 9% Hispanic, 6% Two or more races, 1% Asian, 1% American Indian.
Huntsville City
Academy for Academics and Arts Middle School ranks 146th of 442 Alabama middle schools. SchoolDigger rates this school 3 stars out of 5.
In the 2023-24 school year, 264 students attended Academy for Academics and Arts Middle School.