The Galena Park, Texas school district consists of 4 schools, including 2 elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school, serving a predominantly Hispanic student population facing economic challenges. While the schools generally perform around district and state averages, Galena Park High School stands out with a relatively high graduation rate and low dropout rate, and MacArthur Elementary performs well on standardized tests with a favorable student-teacher ratio.
The schools in the Galena Park Independent School District (ISD) have a consistent racial makeup, with Hispanic students comprising 90.6% to 92.67% of the student population. While the schools' statewide rankings are mixed, with the high school ranking in the lower half and the elementary and middle schools in the middle to lower half, they all have high rates of free/reduced lunch recipients, ranging from 87.3% to 88.6%, indicating significant economic challenges faced by the community.
Interestingly, the schools with the best student-teacher ratios, Galena Park High School and MacArthur Elementary, seem to perform better on various metrics, suggesting that smaller class sizes may contribute to student success. However, the data also reveals potential opportunity gaps, such as in 8th-grade social studies and 3rd-grade Spanish math, that the district may need to address to ensure equitable outcomes for all students.
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