The 44663 zip code area is home to two high schools: Buckeye Career Center and New Philadelphia High School. Based on the available data, New Philadelphia High School emerges as the standout school in this area, with stronger academic performance, higher racial diversity, and more favorable student-teacher ratios compared to Buckeye Career Center.
New Philadelphia High School boasts a 3-star statewide ranking from SchoolDigger and outperforms both the district and state averages on Ohio state tests across multiple subjects, including American Government, American History, Biology, English II, and Algebra I. Additionally, the school has a higher 4-year graduation rate of 81.5%, while Buckeye Career Center's graduation rate is not provided. In terms of student demographics, New Philadelphia High School has a more diverse student population, with 74.87% White, 20.56% Hispanic, and smaller percentages of other racial groups, compared to Buckeye Career Center's predominantly White student body.
Both schools serve communities with significant socioeconomic challenges, as evidenced by the substantial percentage of students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch. However, the difference in per-student spending, with New Philadelphia High School spending $9,957 per student, suggests that resource allocation may play a role in the schools' academic outcomes. Additionally, New Philadelphia High School's relatively high chronic absenteeism rate of 26.6% could be an area of concern that the school may need to address to improve its overall performance.
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