The 46118 zip code is home to a single middle school, Cascade Middle School, which serves students in grades 6-8 within the Mill Creek Community School Corp. This standout middle school consistently outperforms district and state averages on key academic metrics, ranking in the top 25% of Indiana middle schools.
Cascade Middle School maintains a 4-star rating from SchoolDigger, indicating above-average performance. The school's ILEARN English Language Arts and Math proficiency rates range from 43.75% to 63.3% and 33.04% to 44.95% respectively, exceeding the district and state averages. Additionally, the school's science proficiency rate of 54.13% is higher than the district average. These strong academic results suggest Cascade Middle School is effectively supporting student learning and achievement.
While Cascade Middle School serves a relatively homogeneous student population, with 92.5% of students identifying as White, the school's low percentage of students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch (28.06%) indicates it serves a relatively affluent community. The school's per-student spending of $9,035 and student-teacher ratio of 14.2 are in line with state and national averages, demonstrating efficient resource allocation to support student success.
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