The 46040 zip code area is home to two elementary schools - Fortville Elementary School and Geist Elementary School. While both schools serve the local community, Geist Elementary stands out as a high-performing institution, consistently ranking among the top elementary schools in Indiana.
Geist Elementary is a standout school, ranked 46th out of 1,010 Indiana elementary schools for the 2023-2024 school year and earning a 5-star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's students significantly outperform the state and Hamilton Southeastern Schools district averages on ILEARN assessments for English Language Arts and Math across all grade levels. Geist Elementary also boasts a low chronic absenteeism rate of 4.2%, well below the state average, and serves a diverse student population.
In contrast, Fortville Elementary School, while still performing reasonably well, is ranked 310th out of 1,010 Indiana elementary schools for 2023-2024 and has a 3-star rating. Fortville Elementary's ILEARN proficiency rates, while above the Mt Vernon Community School Corp district averages, lag significantly behind Geist Elementary's exceptional performance. The data also reveals a notable difference in the socioeconomic status of the student populations, with Geist Elementary serving a more affluent community.
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